We will use the lens of probability models to describe all of the models in the class.
Probability models are often associated with “Bayesian” statistics, which itself is often contrasted with “Frequentist” statistics. What do those terms mean?
Philosophical contrasts
Practical contrasts
In practice, these differences usually remain “under the hood.” Either approach can be used with no significant impact on reliability or credibility.
I strongly advocate for a pragmatic approach: use whichever framing makes the most sense for your specific model, data, resources, and audience.
RStudio (or VSCode)
User-friendly interface to
the R environment and
Statistical language and
environment (the ‘engine’
of your analysis)
R package for Bayesian model estimation
R package for mulilevel GLM estimation
Other R packagages (tidyverse, data.table, ggplot, …)
General-purpose software for MCMC estimation
A simple script to test the rethinking
installation is at:
You can download and run this, copy and paste it, or run the whole thing from directly in R:
Photo by Marlis Trio Akbar on Unsplash
Photo by John Hritz on Flickr
Playmatey magnetic building blocks via WorthPoint
Coloured engraving by S.J. Neele after L. Hebert. Wellcome Collection.
Photo by Natasha Wheatland on Flickr
Photo by Wikimedia user Etan J. Tal
Photo by Patrick Hendry on Unsplash
Faces of 500 professional golfers, averaged by Reddit user u/osmutiar/
- performativity - what does saying "honours, recognizes, and respects" *do*? - How does McGill act toward Indigenous communities (local and distant) outside of this statement? - This class -- we'll talk about the role of science in colonial oppression. - What does a statement like this mean for us as the McGill community? As members of this class?
Small class icebreaker - Names - experience with R - Are you already working with a dataset for your thesis or dissertation?
The "linear regression" is a workhorse of social science statistics. It gives us a standard way to relate two variables to each other (and control for other confounding variables) It's great for research because it's a flexible way to talk about quantitative results that allows us to "black box" a lot of complexity into discussion of _coefficients_, _statistical significance_, etc. BUT, linear regressions incorporate a lot of different components in that black box!
Each of these is it's own thing, and can be (in theory) swapped out for something else. (Of course, there are dependencies! Assumptions depend on model and vice versa, e.g.)
In this class we'll be focusing on the models. But in the process we'll look at various ways of estimating those models
We'll use both approaches in this class, though the model descriptions will tend toward the Bayesian